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Hi, I'm Anthony


I believe user experience should be at the heart of every product, from tools and utensils to intricate websites and software. I’m a graduate from The University of Pittsburgh with a major in Digital Narrative and Interactive Design and an eye for stellar design work. I've recently completed Google’s UX Design Professional Certificate program, where I designed a mobile app from scratch for one of my favorite coffee shops (you can learn more about my process and progress here). Some of my favorite app designs are Starbucks (for their smooth ordering process), Target (for their barcode-scanning feature), and Apple Weather (for a beautiful, elegant interface).


I love UX design because I’ve got a passion for creativity and expression, thanks to my Creative Writing minor and experience with graphic design, as well as an analytical personality backed by a knowledge of computer programming. These fields may not seem related at a first glance, but I strongly believe that UX design, graphic design, and writing all share a common heart: humans. Every design is, after all, focused on the perfect blend of expression and application, with a little narrative thrown in for taste.


Where does an analytical mindset come into this? The design process is also an exercise in problem-solving. What are my tools? What are my goals? How do I use my tools to achieve my goals? UX design, graphic design, and writing all share the same goal: speak directly to the human. Their tools vary, but that’s part of their individual beauty. Learning how to do one of the three gives you new insights into how to improve the other two.


Want to know more about me? Like I said above, I love to write (you can read some pieces of mine here), sketch, and play the piano. I spend my weekends hiking and taking photos of particularly striking cloud formations. When I’m not outside, I'm always thinking about my favorite elements of design (currently rounded buttons and the font Rockwell Bold), or looking for new inspiration, whether it be a piece of artwork, an eye-catching commercial on TV, or even a good book. I also love trying out new recipes (or, whenever they fail, ordering takeout from a favorite restaurant). I’ve got two dogs, both of which I love dearly, and three cats who love to say hi on video calls.

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